Toronto Airport
Although there was fog and rain throughout our road trip, we made it to the airport in good time, arriving at 3:30 as expected. After unloading all our suitcases, we parked the vans and proceeded through check in at the Cubana Airlines counter.
As we were checking in, we received news of our first adventure when we were informed that our flight would be delayed due to mechanical difficulties. Our current departure time will be around noon, but we should receive more detailed information by 11:00 AM. So we have gathered at our departure gate, the students have scattered to purchase breakfast with the $15.00 voucher we each received and then we will settle in for a round of rotating naps. Quite an auspicious beginning, but we are excited to be here and one step closer to Cuba.
Please continue to pray for a timely departure, a safe flight to Cuba and plenty of rest tonight as we prepare for our first day of ministry on Wednesday.