High School


Our High School has a reputation for being rigorous, and that gets at the “Maranatha Difference.”

Because of our small class sizes in High School, our students cannot fall between the cracks or fail to meet certain academic benchmarks. They are under the care and attention of their teachers.

Check out our Alumni page to see where our graduates go after leaving MCA.

Christian Learning Environment

Maranatha grants an Ontario Secondary School Diploma along with a Maranatha Secondary School Diploma. We offer all the mandatory classes and many electives. As a smaller school with about 90 students in our High School, we cannot offer programs such as IB or French Immersion. What we do offer – and what sets us apart – is Christian education. Every course is taught from a Biblical perspective and encourages students to think critically in light of scripture.

Our teachers are all Christians who have a heart for the students. Parents are always going to be the primary spiritual teachers of their children, and we strive to come alongside families to educate, disciple and mentor our students.

Our graduates become doctors, dentists, lawyers and engineers. Some become carpenters and plumbers. Others are successful writers. And still others work as missionaries, pastors and Christian camp counsellors. Wherever God leads them! (Find out more on our Alumni page.)

Our goal is to help our students develop their personal relationship with Christ and be prepared to face the world with the Biblical tools and perspective needed to thrive.

High School Program Details

Students and parents need to consider a lot of information as they transition to High School. The MCA Course Calendar tells you about our goals, our Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 programs of studies, the credit system, curriculum streaming, our mode of operation and the credit requirements which you must meet to earn the Maranatha Christian Secondary School Diploma and the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. More importantly, the Course Calendar explains the framework of who we are as a Christian school.

Secondary education is very valuable as it prepares students not only for college or university and the work world but also prepares them to live as followers of Jesus who make disciples and bring hope to this world. We are committed to helping each individual student achieve success, in a supportive, caring environment.

Streaming Courses

The four-year High School program employs a graduated streaming of courses that will keep options open for students in the earlier grades and will prepare students in senior grades for their future destinations: university, college or the work force.

The courses in Grades 9 and 10 recognize that students enter High School with different gifts, abilities and goals. They can take courses that are suited to their needs and gradually help them work towards their goals through an increasingly specialized four-year program. In these early grades, some disciplines are open, and all students will take the same course, while other core subjects may be streamed from courses with an emphasis on practical application (Applied) to courses with an emphasis on theoretical application (Academic).

Effective with the 2022-2023 school year, the government has elected to de-stream the Grade 9 curriculum. This will provide the same program of study for each student and allow our qualified teachers to use their professional training in the application of the curriculum while integrating a strong Biblical perspective.

Choosing a Destination

In Grade 11 and 12 courses are streamed according to the student’s choice of destination. Each course will be designated with a “U” (University), “C” (College) or “M” (University and/or College). However, choosing a post-secondary destination can be a difficult decision for parents and students. Our Guidance Counsellor Stephanie Siu has the resources to help your student process their options. The course descriptions in this manual are a good place to begin and should be considered as your student selects the best courses for their individual High School program. Families, teachers, Guidance and administration will work together over the next four years, helping to make the necessary adjustments in order to achieve their program and destination. For more information about our course offerings, please see our MCA Course Calendar.

Students and parents need to consider a lot of information as they transition to High School. The MCA Course Calendar tells you about our goals, our Grade 9, 10, 11 and 12 programs of studies, the credit system, curriculum streaming, our mode of operation and the credit requirements which you must meet to earn the Maranatha Christian Secondary School Diploma and the Ontario Secondary School Diploma. More importantly, the Course Calendar explains the framework of who we are as a Christian school.

Secondary education is very valuable as it prepares students not only for college or university and the work world but also prepares them to live as followers of Jesus who make disciples and bring hope to this world. We are committed to helping each individual student achieve success, in a supportive, caring environment.

Streaming Courses

The four-year High School program employs a graduated streaming of courses that will keep options open for students in the earlier grades and will prepare students in senior grades for their future destinations: university, college or the work force.

The courses in Grades 9 and 10 recognize that students enter High School with different gifts, abilities and goals. They can take courses that are suited to their needs and gradually help them work towards their goals through an increasingly specialized four-year program. In these early grades, some disciplines are open, and all students will take the same course, while other core subjects may be streamed from courses with an emphasis on practical application (Applied) to courses with an emphasis on theoretical application (Academic).

Effective with the 2022-2023 school year, the government has elected to de-stream the Grade 9 curriculum. This will provide the same program of study for each student and allow our qualified teachers to use their professional training in the application of the curriculum while integrating a strong Biblical perspective.

Choosing a Destination

In Grade 11 and 12 courses are streamed according to the student’s choice of destination. Each course will be designated with a “U” (University), “C” (College) or “M” (University and/or College). However, choosing a post-secondary destination can be a difficult decision for parents and students. Our Guidance Counsellor Stephanie Siu has the resources to help your student process their options. The course descriptions in this manual are a good place to begin and should be considered as your student selects the best courses for their individual High School program. Families, teachers, Guidance and administration will work together over the next four years, helping to make the necessary adjustments in order to achieve their program and destination. 

For more information about our course offerings, please see our MCA Course Calendar.

Students enrolled in Maranatha Christian Academy work towards both an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) and a Maranatha Christian Secondary School Diploma (MCSSD).

OSSD requirements

30 credits (110 hours each)

  • 18 compulsory credits
  • 12 elective credits
  • 40 hrs. community service
  • Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (taken in Grade 10)
  • Grade 10 Careers Job Shadowing Placement

MCSSD requirements

All the OSSD requirements plus an extra credit (31 credits) and three specific compulsory classes

  • 1 Bible credit in Grade 9 (this is the additional credit)
  • Grade 11 World Religions & World History to the 15th Century
  • Grade 12 Equity and Social Justice

For more specifics about our degree requirements please view our requirements document.

See this sample program to see how many credits are required each year to stay on track for graduation and to see how many classes are compulsory and elective each year.

Sample High School Program

One of Maranatha’s goals is  to raise up Godly men and women who will be leaders wherever the Lord takes them, regardless of whether they become doctors, missionaries, teachers, stay-at-home parents, factory workers etc. To that end, we provide leadership opportunities including:

  • Speaking/leading worship at Friday chapels
  • Serving on Student Council
  • Playing on our Athletics teams
  • Taking part in our major drama productions
  • Singing in our high school choir or playing in our high school band
  • Serving on our Grade 12 missions trip and/or with local missions organizations
  • Fundraising
  • Helping in other ways, as needed, to raise up Godly men and women who will be leaders wherever the Lord takes them.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-4:30 p.m., teachers are available to assist with homework and with figuring out essential concepts.

Maranatha Christian Academy is actively striving to be a more inclusive school, recognizing the diversity that exists amongst God’s children. Each child that comes through the school’s doors is a unique creation of the one true God and is made in His image—regardless of ability, ethnic background or socio-economic status.

Our Student Support Services Director Johanna Van Rooyen deals with each student on a case-by-case basis. Staff strive to foster the student’s development and feeling of security within the classroom by providing support and assistance, when needed, to help the student flourish within the classroom.

Maranatha values a Christ-centered community that is a safe and caring environment in which all students develop their God-given gifts and use them as participants in God’s Kingdom. Each student is to be part of a caring Christian community within the classroom and school. The Student Support Services strive to complement and foster this development and feeling of security within the classroom by providing support and assistance, when needed, to help the student flourish within the classroom.

Maranatha is committed to providing a positive learning environment, in both the regular classroom and with student support services, for neurotypical and neurodivergent students. Educational opportunities aim to nurture the unique needs and talents of each student with exceptionalities using a strengths-based student-centered approach. The Student Support Services Director works hand-in-hand with the classroom teachers to ensure student accommodations are being implemented to their fullest extent. The students also have access to the support services room when needed. We are committed to meeting the academic and social needs of each student to the best of our ability, in order that each student may feel like an important, integral part of the classroom community.

Determining if Maranatha can meet a student’s needs
Striving to meet the unique needs of each student to the best of our ability is a challenging process that, at times, requires discussion and review. MCA is privately owned and operated and seeks to provide an affordable Christ-centered education for its students. As such, the limited resources we have may affect the amount of specialized education Maranatha is able to provide. Maranatha will accommodate enrolled students to the point of undue hardship in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. Admittance of a student with exceptionalities requires significant and intentional communication to determine a student’s strengths and needs and the ability of Maranatha to meet those needs. At times, a student’s needs may be better met elsewhere. A procedure for admittance of a new student with exceptionalities is available as well as a procedure for access to additional support for a current student of Maranatha.

Maranatha Christian Academy is actively striving to be a more inclusive school, recognizing the diversity that exists amongst God’s children. Each child that comes through the school’s doors is a unique creation of the one true God and is made in His image—regardless of ability, ethnic background or socio-economic status.

Our Student Support Services Director Johanna Van Rooyen deals with each student on a case-by-case basis. Staff strive to foster the student’s development and feeling of security within the classroom by providing support and assistance, when needed, to help the student flourish within the classroom.

Maranatha values a Christ-centered community that is a safe and caring environment in which all students develop their God-given gifts and use them as participants in God’s Kingdom. Each student is to be part of a caring Christian community within the classroom and school. The Student Support Services strive to complement and foster this development and feeling of security within the classroom by providing support and assistance, when needed, to help the student flourish within the classroom.

Maranatha is committed to providing a positive learning environment, in both the regular classroom and with student support services, for neurotypical and neurodivergent students. Educational opportunities aim to nurture the unique needs and talents of each student with exceptionalities using a strengths-based student-centered approach. The Student Support Services Director works hand-in-hand with the classroom teachers to ensure student accommodations are being implemented to their fullest extent. The students also have access to the support services room when needed. We are committed to meeting the academic and social needs of each student to the best of our ability, in order that each student may feel like an important, integral part of the classroom community.

Determining if Maranatha can meet a student’s needs
Striving to meet the unique needs of each student to the best of our ability is a challenging process that, at times, requires discussion and review. MCA is privately owned and operated and seeks to provide an affordable Christ-centered education for its students. As such, the limited resources we have may affect the amount of specialized education Maranatha is able to provide. Maranatha will accommodate enrolled students to the point of undue hardship for MCA in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code. Admittance of a student with exceptionalities requires significant and intentional communication to determine a student’s strengths and needs and the ability of Maranatha to meet those needs. At times, a student’s needs may be better met elsewhere. A procedure for admittance of a new student with exceptionalities is available as well as a procedure for access to additional support for a current student of Maranatha.

A requirement for graduation in Ontario, students must volunteer a minimum of 40 hours over four years. This encourages civic responsibility and promotes community values. It also supports a student’s career explorations and reinforces the importance of volunteering. There is a broad range of unpaid activities available for students to choose from, and there are provincial policies/guidelines governing the placements.

Maranatha is also pleased to offer a Cooperative Education program as well as the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) in Grade 12. See brochure here. Students can apply their learning in half-day placements in local industries, businesses and institutions. Maranatha, in conjunction with Edvance Christian Schools, works closely with the Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC) to train students and locate appropriate work placements. For further information, see the OYAP FAQ Brochure and view Johanna Van Rooyen’s video below.

Students must take the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test in Grade 10 and must pass the test to graduate. The achievement is recorded in their Ontario Student Transcript. The test is based on language arts and communication expectations of the curriculum up to and including Grade 9. If the student is unable to meet the standard on their first attempt, remedial help will be available. The student must retake test until the standard is met or take the OLC4O1 course in summer school.

We welcome transfers from other high schools. You will be happy you made the switch to Christian education.

That said, we strongly recommend that parents make a move at the beginning of the school year. We offer a limited number of courses each year and it presents a challenge to seamlessly incorporate in new students at the beginning of the second semester. Many students have transferred in for the start of second semester, but it may mean they need to pick up an additional course (elsewhere) during the summer or take an online course through our online partners.

Our High School vice principal and guidance counsellor work diligently to meet the needs of all students.

Meet The Teachers

Get to know some of our high school teachers and why they love MCA!

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Mr. Arseneault

Technology & Robotics

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Mr. Fuller

Bible & Missions

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Mr. Robson

Health & Phys Ed

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Spiritual Foundations

In the 2023-2024 school year, our theme is Harmony in Christ with this as the key verse:

“May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 15:5-6)

Our yearly themes help develop our students spiritually and influence our chapel topics as well as our conversations.


Chapels are Monday and Friday mornings. On Mondays the message comes from a teacher, parent or an invited pastor of a local church. On Fridays, chapels are student led. They bring a devotional message and they lead worship.

There’s a sign up sheet for both in the Commons Room.

Tuesday through Thursday students start the day off in homeroom with a teacher-led devotional.

High School Accomplishments


Human Kinetics Book Award – UWindsor

Champion – Youthrive business competition (Enactus/UWindsor)

100% of students completing OYAP placements continue in the trades after graduation

MusicFest Silver Plus – High School Band // Individual MVP for Gr. 11 student

Math Distinction Awards – Pascal, Cayley and Fermat Mathematics contexts (Canadian Intermediate Math Contest)


Young Entrepreneur Award – Youthrive business competition (Enactus/UWindsor)

Champion – Youthrive business competition


First place – Windsor Essex Great Lakes Event
FIRST Robotics competition

Our Panthers Athletics teams are consistently strong. Here are some recent examples.


OFSAA – Track and Field Top 8 finish (shot put) // Swimming Championships (competitors)


WECSSAA “A” Semi-Finalists – Senior Girls Volleyball


WECSSAA “A” Semi-Finalists – Senior Girls Volleyball
WECSSAA “A” Finalists – Senior Boys Volleyball


Swimming OFSAA Silver Medal – Senior Boys 50m Freestyle

Track and Field OFSAA Bronze Medal – Junior Girls 80m Hurdles


WECSSAA “A” Champions and OFSAA Participants – Senior Girls Volleyball
WECSSAA “A” Champions – Junior Boys Volleyball
SWOSSAA “A” Champions – Junior Boys Volleyball

Grade 12 Missions trip

Since 2003, MCA’s Grade 12 classes travelled internationally on a Missions trip. Maranatha partners with established ministries in Central America to bless them with meaningful contributions.

The students may participate in such activities as leading

They are also given the opportunity to grow as leaders and disciple makers. vacation Bible school, building homes, renovating and/or repairing schools and more.

Our students can see first-hand the effects of social injustice and are challenged by cross-cultural differences.

Most importantly, the students experience God’s faithfulness themselves as they need to trust Him with their healthy, safety and finances necessary to make the trip a reality.

The Missions trip builds on what students have learned in Grade 9 Bible, Grade 11 World Religions and Grade 12 Equity and Social Justice. They have many opportunities to serve locally before taking this international trip.

Whether they are here in Canada or in another country, our students are challenged to be the light of the world and to listen to many who need to experience God’s personal love for them.

Student Council

Our Student Council provides students with opportunities to get involved and learn hands-on leadership while also developing their problem-solving, communication and organizational skills – all of which they take with them long after graduation. The Student Council plans fun events, operates our Panthers’ Den (snack bar) and supports two Compassion Children in the developing world. 2021-2022 Student Council president Rebekah (Grad ’22) explains how to get involved and how MCA has impacted her life. 

Next Steps

Are you interested in other parts of Maranatha Christian Academy?

We invite you to explore some other aspects of our school!

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