Since 2003, MCA’s Grade 12 classes have partnered with established ministries overseas to complete an international mission trip and bless these organizations with meaningful help. The students have led vacation Bible school, built homes, renovated and repaired schools and more.
The Missions trip builds on what students have learned in Grade 9 Bible, Grade 11 World Religions and Grade 12 Equity and Social Justice. It is a chance for our students to see first-hand the effects of social injustice and to be challenged by cross-cultural differences. They are also given the opportunity to grow as leaders and disciple makers and are challenged to be the light of the world and to listen to many who need to experience God’s personal love for them. Most importantly, the students experience God’s faithfulness themselves as they need to trust Him with their health, safety and finances to make the trip a reality.
Throughout the trip, the students and teachers journal about their experiences. Please enjoy reading their stories and viewing their photos.
Maranatha Christian Academy
939 Northwood Street
Windsor, ON
N9E 1A2
Tel:(519) 966-7424
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