Admissions Process

A Community of Believers

Thank you for your interest in Maranatha Christian Academy and in Christian education.

As you explore our school you will better understand how we can work with you to help your children reach their God-given potential.

Our school is unique.

It is a community of like-minded Christian believers.  At least one parent must be a Christian who is an active church member and can agree with our Statement of Beliefs/Statement of Educational Principles (*see Admission Policies for further detail).

Admissions Office

Our Admissions office is your first point of contact. Our helpful staff will provide you with information about MCA and answer all your questions. We offer tours as well.

Once you have completed the application requirements, the Admissions coordinator will help you along in the process.

For international families,  please see the “International Students” page.

Steps to Apply

1) Ask Questions

Before beginning the application process, find out more about Maranatha and whether our family is a good fit for your family. Our Admissions Office can answer your questions and schedule a tour.

2) Application & Fees

When you are ready to apply, fill out a family application and send in a $100 non-refundable application fee.

3) Interviews & Testing

After we have reviewed your application, there are two interviews (one with the school’s administration, one with members of our board). Students entering Grade 1 – 8 must also undergo New Student Testing. At the end of the interviews and testing, an admission decision will be made, and you will be notified of our decision.

4) Deposit

At this point, you may enroll your child/children with a non-refundable deposit to hold their spot.

Tuition can be a big financial sacrifice for many families. Our goal is to keep our tuition rates as affordable as possible while also remaining financially stable as a school.

Our tuition rates generally cover our staffing costs; fundraising and donations cover the balance of our operating expenses. We ask families to help in our fundraising efforts.

Our fees are based on family rates. There is a base price for one student and discounted fees for additional children from the same family. Tuition is reviewed annually.

The fee is normally paid with post-dated cheques, dated for the first of each month, or with automatic monthly bank withdrawals.

Part of the tuition may be eligible for a tax receipt.

Tuition rates are available upon request to the Admissions Office.

The local student fee to apply to Maranatha is $100 per family.

Those who enroll their children for the first time at Maranatha Christian Academy pay a non-refundable deposit at the time of enrollment. This deposit secures the student’s spot and will be applied to tuition fees due for the coming year.

We welcome new students into our high school at the beginning of a school year or at the beginning of a semester. 

Contact our Admissions Office for details.

We welcome new students into our high school at the beginning of a school year or at the beginning of a semester. 

Contact our Admissions Office for details.

Families who withdraw their children during the school year are subject to a withdrawal fee of up to three months’ tuition in addition to the fees due for the time the children attended Maranatha.

The withdrawal fee will be based on the circumstances for leaving and at the discretion of the board.

What Are Your Admission Policies

  • No child is excluded from the school on grounds of race, colour or national origin.
  • Enrollment is open to any child from a Christian home where at least one parent has committed his/her life to Christ as his/her personal Saviour, is active in a local church and agrees with the Constitution of Maranatha Christian Academy, including the Statement of Beliefs/Statement of Educational Principles outlined in it.
  • Application forms must be completed, and the non-refundable application fee must be paid before families will be considered for membership and enrollment at Maranatha. This includes providing a copy of the student’s health insurance and birth certificate or passport to confirm the official name and date of birth. Foreign nationals must also provide a copy of their Study Permit and Visa to prove they are legally allowed to study in a Canadian school.
  • New families will undergo two Admissions interviews: 1) by the Principal or designate; and 2) by two members of the Visitation Committee. Families must be accepted as members of the school association before their children are enrolled in full-time education at Maranatha.
  • Children may be enrolled at Maranatha if they meet the following requirements:

Junior Kindergarten: four years of age by December 31 of that school year.

Senior Kindergarten: five years of age by December 31 of that school year.

Grade One: six years of age by December 31 of that school year.

Other Elementary Grades: Age appropriate to the grade level, normally following the sequence above.

High School Students: will normally be enrolled at Maranatha as their credits allow.

  • Elementary students will pass New Student Testing to ensure academic ability is compatible with the projected class level.
  • Because we are committed to the provision of an enriched and challenging program for every student, students are:

expected to enter the school with a learning readiness;

required to actively participate in the classroom, working diligently on assignments, asking for help with necessary;

and expected to show respect for one another and God in all situations.

  • To protect this vision and mission for Christian education, the Board of Maranatha Christian Academy has adopted the following admission criteria for families:

The parents or legal guardians of the student are required to be active members of a Christian church that declares Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

The parent or legal guardians must agree to the school’s Statement of Beliefs/Statement of Educational Principles.

The parents or legal guardians must acknowledge the Bible to the authoritative Word of God that provides divine direction for all of life.

The parents or legal guardians and the student must agree that the student will participate in all compulsory courses and school activities.

  • The Board reserves the right to deny, admit or cancel admission for any of the following reasons:

insufficient classroom space;

inability to serve specific learning needs;

behaviour contrary to school policy;

admission criteria are not met;

and any other reason that the Board may deem in the best interests of Maranatha Christian Academy.

Founded By Parents. Governed By Parents.

We Understand Your Concerns.
We’ve Been There.

35+ years of high-
quality education

Exceeds Ontario
Ministry of Education

Certified teachers who
are born-again believers