Day 6 – On the last day of January, I began with a hearty breakfast of eggs, bread and baked beans. After that, we left for the school and joined the high school in worship. The kids there were still happy to see us and give us hugs. When we were done, we split up into groups and mine started with continuing to dig the trench that will bring electricity to the new addition at the school. We took a break to help a bit with an English class in the high school. Then after our delicious snack break, we were able to get most of the trench work done and hope to finish tomorrow. After that, I went to help with a Grade 8 class in English. The kids were great and very cheerful when we held conversations with them.
The worship has been amazing here. Every morning starts with worship at the school. Teachers walk around praying for the students while the students worship with all their hearts and it is very powerful. The students are filled with joy and freedom and the worship is filled with running, dancing and a passion for worshiping God. Around 40 kids attended VBS today ranging in age from 2 to 15 years old. There was a parachute game, singing, prayer and a lesson for the kids! The kids are very involved in everything in the VBS, and they are having lots of fun! The rest of the MCA group is having a lot of fun while leading the VBS with Fernando, Rosia and Abby. We took a beautiful hike around noon to a macadamia farm across from the school. While there, we got spoiled with a delicious barbeque. Facing the school from another mountain, the group took a few minutes to pray for the school, the kids, teachers and the mission of the school. I am very thankful for everything and everyone on this trip. It has been incredible.
– Christian & Andrew