January 24, 2023
Our mission team is on their way! Students and chaperones met up bright and early in time for the early train to Toronto, where they would fly out to Guatemala through Washington. It will be a very long travel day, finishing late at night/in the early morning hours when they finally arrive at their destination.
Before they left Windsor, Mr. Matte, our board chair, prayed for the 19-member team and gave the students a few words of advice. They were told that though they may not feel prepared for what is ahead, the Lord has been training them through MCA, some since they started in JK. He also reminded them that their teachers have been modelling what it looks like to share the Gospel.
Hopefully, the team will get a bit of rest during their travel day as they have a lot planned until they return Feb. 3.
The students will be involved in: working (building projects, classroom activities and visiting homes), planning and executing a vacation Bible school, and construction. They will have a chance to do some sightseeing, including a trip to see a volcano.
Mr. Fuller, our high school vice principal who is a chaperone, wrote back from Washington to praise God for all that He has already helped with today. Mr. Fuller also gives thanks for the prayers of all those who have been supporting the team so far.
If you would like to join us in prayer, here are some items to pray for: safety, health protection, that our team would be a blessing to those we are serving, and that the Lord would work in the lives of our students, deepening their relationship with Him through these opportunities.