Day 7: MCA team hard at work in construction and at VBS
Today we did several things. First thing we did is go to devotions with Grades JK-6, Then afterwards we split into groups. Some of us went to two English classes and others went to work on construction. In the afternoon, we did vacation Bible school (VBS) with the kids.
In the English class, the Guatemalans asked us 10 questions and we answered them. Then we switched partners and they asked us more questions, and they would write down the answer so they could hand it in. After they had gotten the answers from their questions, each student brought a Canadian student to the front and presented our names and three of the questions they had asked us. After they had finished their classwork we played “giant” Dutch Blitz. Laure’s team won the most games with five wins.
In the VBS program we did a lot of games and drama. I’m taking charge of the games so we did a couple games like Elephant, Octopus and “What time is it Mr. Wolf”. It’s a very interesting experience and we met lots of cute kids. There were some kids who are pretty good at soccer. They asked us to throw the ball at them and they would kick it back. I wish I can spend more time with the kids.
I did the construction the whole morning. We mixed the dirt, rocks and cement together so the bricks can stick together. We got five buckets of dirt, four buckets of rocks and a bag of cement and shoveled them together and put water on them. It was a great experience and I really enjoyed it.
— Jeremy, Max and Martin