Trisha Norg

Grade 3 Homeroom

I love teaching and getting students excited about learning, but my favourite part of this job is being able to bring it all back to Christ! I want my students to know that they are loved by our God and that if they trust in Him, He will direct their path.

I was born and raised here in Windsor-Essex. When I got married, I moved to Tilbury to live in the community my husband was raised in. My husband and I are part of the church family at Maple City Baptist Church in Chatham, where we serve together on the worship team and help with our youth ministry.

Some things we enjoy doing together are singing, camping and playing board games.

One Bible verse that has brought me through so much is Philippians 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” This verse reminds me that even in hard situations to put all my trust in our Lord as He takes care of His children. In times of trouble I have nothing to fear if I come to the Lord!


B.A. General History – University of Windsor

B.Ed. Primary Junior – University of Windsor

ECE – St. Clair College

OCT – Ontario Teacher’s Certificate

Basic Qualifications

Intermediate Dramatic Arts

Additional Qualifications

Mathematics, Part 1