Day 3: Work & Worship
Painting the Church: Today the grade twelve class had an opportunity to work with one of the local churches. The pastor Luis owns a nearby church located in Parramos. They explained to us that they wanted to improve the church by adding an area for the children’s ministry. They wanted us to clean up the area where they would lay the second floor. We then painted the framework for the flooring. After we finished painting we sat down and ate lunch with our team and the pastor. After lunch, we sat around and listened to the pastor’s testimony and the history of the church. Through his testimony, we learned that God always provides for those who place their faith in Him.
Pizza Party at Youth Group: The grade twelve class had the honour of attending the youth group at another local church. We were able to observe worship in Spanish and saw the passion that the youth in Guatemala have. After worship we listened to two Guatemalan young people preach and share their story with us, we enjoyed seeing how strong their faith is and how they follow Jesus in every aspect of their lives. Our grade twelve class had two volunteers (Lindsey, and Leah) who shared their testimony and how God has impacted their lives in a positive way. After we listened to the preaching we ate pizza and socialized with the young people at the Church.