Thursday, January 25
We woke up (at 7:30) to an amazing breakfast of bread, eggs, meats, yogurt, fruit and juice! Today was our first work day, and everyone was eager to get their hands dirty and help our new friends at the ‘training centre’, the building they are envisioning as school of ministry. We were split up into three groups – each with a different task. Some cleaned windows, some painted, and the rest helped haul bags of waste construction material from the roof to the laneway outside. The waste was then hauled to the dump via horse and buggy. The painting was by far the lengthiest task, and kept us busy right until the bus arrived to take us back to the hotel for a short rest.
After resting, showering, and reorganizing back at the hotel, we were all ready for the evening. After the previous evening we were all very excited to go back and reunite with our new friends. Again, we had an amazing meal served to us by the ladies from the church that was muy bien! Some of the Maranatha students were invited (compelled) to lead the group in worship, and it turned out to be a fantastic experience! The sermon was followed by singing, games, dancing, and much laughter with our brothers and sisters in Christ! We returned to the hotel very tired, and ready for sleep.
Mike- This being my first missions trip I wasn’t sure what to expect for our first work day. Once we got there I was glad I got to be put to some hard work of bagging concrete and rubble into bags, it felt like home working like that even though we are in Cuba and working alongside others who spoke a different language it was gratifying to make a difference and see their thankful faces.
Thomas – It was extremely nice to have had the blessing of a day to rest yesterday, but to be able to put our hands to work at the church was a blessing as well. I started off by helping carry the waste off the roof, but soon that task was finished, and I was requested to pick up a brush and begin painting. The painting was tedious and there was many a time where I was told that my strokes were too short, or that I had put too much paint on my brush. Regardless, much progress was made and the walls were a nice bright yellow (Amarillo). I spent much time talking with Carlos, who made it his mission to teach me as much Spanish as he could! After work in the evening I was invited to play guitar at the front with a few of my classmates, and it was such a great experience; despite my nervousness. Overall, it was such an amazing day, and so far I have not arrived back to the hotel anything but exhausted. I had so much more to say, but the laptop screen is slowly being shut by Mr. Fuller as he is telling me he wants to sleep… Love you mom!
Mucho amor, Thomas and Mike