Kae Anne DiPietro

Physics | Business | Tech Design | Robotics

I came to Maranatha more than 20 years ago as a parent when my oldest started Junior Kindergarten. Once all five of my children had reached elementary, I began supply teaching and teaching part time. Now all my children have graduated, but I am still here!

I love teaching mathematics to all ages as well as facilitating learning in the areas of coding and robotics and anything to do with Lego. I have taught all levels of high school mathematics and physics as well as Grade 9 and 10 Science and Grade 10 Technology in Design. In extra-curricular activities, I am leading the elementary FIRST Lego League team and the high school FIRST Tech Challenge Team, overseeing the math and computing contests and accompanying a couple of our choirs.

For me, the biggest blessing of Maranatha is the freedom to seek and speak truth — God’s truth — in all areas of learning and relationships. God has used Maranatha to guide, support and strengthen me and my family in our spiritual journeys.

One of my favourite verses to discuss with students on their spiritual journeys is Micah 6:8: “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”


B.Ed. – University of Western Ontario
BMath – University of Waterloo
OCT– Ontario Teacher’s Certificate

Basic Qualifications

Intermediate and Senior Divisions, Mathematics
Intermediate and Senior Divisions, Science and Physics

Additional Qualifications

Honour Specialist, Mathematics
Special Education, Part 1