Serving God Through Our Talents!
Today we worshiped the Lord through praise, worship, and serving. The day began with a worship service with the high school students. After the beautiful spirit-filled session, we divided into our usual groups. These included the medical crew, the painters, the tech team, and those who helped with English classes.
With the medical crew, we have examined 200 patients so far this trip! God has blessed us with the opportunity to help those in need. First, Bethany registered the patients. Then, Demaire and Joel took turns recording the heights and weights of the patients. Abby measured the blood pressure and oxygen percentage in the blood stream using various tools. Soon after, Josiah used the spirometer to measure the lung capacity of each patient who participated. The patients then saw Dr. Liem who examined and diagnosed various conditions. Mrs. Duck then gave the required medication (multivitamins, puffers, antibiotics, nasal rinses, etc.) for the patient to take home with them!
The painting crew spent the day working in the science building. The two inner rooms were painted and prepared throughout the day. Great progress has been made so far! Mrs. Bondy, Olivia, Leandra, and Mya continued the work.
Today’s tech team (Malina, Andrew and Dylan) continued rewiring areas of the school and upgrading the Wi-Fi. Although the process is arduous, the team has faced these challenges head-on and have tackled them with grace.
English classes were fun as usual! Danmara, Eric, and Gavin played apples to apples with some students as well as a spelling game called “Wow.” The high school English classes consisted of many jokes and fun humour, while the elementary classes were filled with love and respect for our students’ language abilities.
Matthew, Josiah, Bethany, and Mr. Fuller also participated in a home visit today with a parent of one of the students that attends the school. They delivered groceries and shared conversations about Christianity, education, and personal experiences. The mother described her daughter attending the school and the blessing it has been to have the opportunity of joining a Christian school. Our students left with new perspectives and understandings of the lives of those in Guatemala.
Later in the day, all the students hosted a VBS session for about 50 local children. We performed a play that described the creation of the world and the fall of man. We helped with crafts, handed out a snack with the children, and shared the good news of Jesus.
Our last event of the day was a church service at the same church we attended this past Sunday. Despite our tiredness, we praised and danced with all of our hearts and listened to a comforting message about renewing our minds in Christ. After a busy day, we crashed back at the Casa (“house”), playing dice games, and heading to bed.
-Abby, Danmara, Malina, and Matthew