Day 04 January 27th

Service and Soccer!

Waking up at 6:30 is hard. But it was worth the early rise because we were once again blessed with the ability to attend a spirit-filled worship session with the students – this time with the older grades. Today was our first day working at the school and it was filled with many tasks. While everyone began with teaching English, one group continued in assisting the English classes throughout the day. One group was in charge of running a medical clinic, while another worked on providing stable internet for the students and staff.  Finally, the last group went out into the city and delivered food and other supplies to a family in need.  

In the afternoon, we started preparing for the upcoming VBS (vacation Bible school). This included developing a drama, practicing worship, and creating props for the stage. After this, we gave out flyers to families near the casa (the house where we’re staying), inviting kids to attend.  

After dinner, we had the opportunity to play soccer with some of the students from the school. We divided into three teams and played until our legs got sore. Many MCA students were surprised to find they are pretty good players. Regardless, it was not much help against the local Guatemalans. At the end of the night, we played a match of Canadians vs. Guatemalans, and we are proud to say, we did in fact score 1 goal! (We are disregarding the 20 goals against us.) 

Tomorrow, among other activities, we will start the VBS. 

-Gavin, Joel and Malina