Day 01 January 24th

First Day of Our Journey

Today we conquered new obstacles, met new people, learned new skills, and tried new food. It all began at 5:45 a.m. We arose from our slumbers to face a new day. We were greeted by the aroma of eggs, beans, fresh bread, and freshly picked fruit. After a community gathering to eat some delicious food, we prepared to make the trek to the school. The strenuous hike featured stunning views of the mountainous landscape. At the elementary school, we began the day with a worship service with the young students. We sat with the children after worship and made new companions. Then, we explored the school and visited many of the classrooms that featured the joyful students. A vision discussion followed, outlining the history of the school and the wonderous ways the Lord blessed the staff and students.  

Accompanying the beautiful weather was a competitive soccer game with the students’ gym class. Their extraordinary footwork and agility left no chance for a Maranatha comeback, losing the game 5-0.  

“The weather wasn’t warm,” said Demaire (who is an international student from the Bahamas 😊). “They lied to me,” he joked. 

The afternoon featured a pleasant BBQ with scrumptious food and great company. The view was breathtaking, as was the weather according to Demaire. Soon, a competition ensued. The male and female students faced off to determine who could harvest the most coffee beans in 20 minutes. In the end, the boys put up a good fight, but they were no match for the efficient communication skills practiced by the girls. We then shelled macadamia nuts and learned about the extended process in growing these valuable plants. We were taught how to crack and break them open using special tools along with the brute force of a hammer. After saying goodbye to our new friends, the boys raced down the hill. According to Demaire, he came first. Although Eric is highly doubtful.  

We made our way back to the compound and prepared for dinner. After a satisfying meal, we sat around the campfire and shared our expectations for the trip. We are trusting God to move in marvelous ways in and through us. Tomorrow, we are anticipating a beautiful hike to the top of a dormant volcano, where Demaire hopes it may be warmer.  

-Demaire, Abby and Dylan