- “Rapido! Rapido! Rapido!”
- A Lil’ bit of everything ….
- A new VBS and a dip in the ocean
- An earthquake, a volcano and more
- And They’re Off!
- Arrived in Cuba!
- Basketball, Bingo and Bartering from the ‘Bois’!!
- Beginning the long journey
- Bible drama at VBS
- Boom! Boom! Boom!
- Church, Chuleta, and Chicken
- Climbing Volcan Pacaya
- Coming Home with a Smile!
- Construction and the power of God
- Construction and Volcano Lakes
- Construction in our hearts, Children on our backs!
- Cuba Missions Trip 2018
- Dancing, Singing, Worshipping
- Day 1
- Day 1
- Day 10
- Day 2
- Day 2
- Day 3
- Day 3
- Day 4
- Day 4
- Day 5
- Day 5
- Day 6
- Day 6
- Day 7
- Day 7
- Day 8
- Day 8
- Day 9
- Discovering Antigua
- Final celebrations and final thoughts
- Friday, February 2
- Friday, January 26
- From the Principal’s Camera
- Games and Bible lessons at VBS
- Guatemala 2017
- Guatemala 2019
- Guatemala 2019 Trip Overview
- Home Sweet Home
- It’s hard to say goodbye
- Jumping right in!
- Last day
- Letting Our Good Deeds Shine/Painting
- Long walks and a macadamia farm
- Many Unreached Peoples
- March Break In Nicaragua
- Meet the Team
- Missionary Training Camp
- Monday, January 29
- More Rice? Chicken?
- Needing Fellowship
- On their way to Guatemala
- Our Trip Begins!
- Preparing for the big trip
- Safely home and giving thanks
- Saturday, January 27
- Service Projects
- Settling in with new foods and new friends
- Sunday, January 28
- Teaching English and preparing for the work
- The Bois are Back in the Big M!
- The Journey Has Begun
- The trench is almost done
- Thursday, February 1
- Thursday, January 25
- Toronto Airport
- Touchdown . . . the wheels, that is . . .
- Touring Antigua
- Trench done & prayer requests
- Tuesday, January 30
- Vacation Bible School
- VBS and having a little fun
- Volcano up close
- We Have Arrived!
- Wednesday, January 24
- Wednesday, January 31
- What We’re Doing
- Worship and focusing on God